Эдвард Т. Мусаев
Я работаю над задачами супергравитации и теории струн, связанными с симметриями U-дуальности.
Избранные публикации
Tri-vector deformations in d=11 supergravity, I. Bakhmatov, N.S. Deger, E.T. Musaev, E.Ó. Colgáin, M.M. Sheikh-Jabbari, 1906.09052
The different faces of branes in Double Field Theory, E. Bergshoeff, A. Kleinschmidt, E.T. Musaev, F. Riccioni, 1903.05601
U-Dualities in Type II and M-Theory: A Covariant Approach (a review), E.T. Musaev fulltext
Five-brane actions in double field theory, C.D.A. Blair, E.T. Musaev, 1712.01739
Duality Invariant M-theory: Gauged supergravities and Scherk-Schwarz reductions, D.S. Berman, E.T. Musaev, D.C. Thompson, 1208.0020
Branes and string cosmology, Helmholz school "Cosmology, strings, new physics", 2019, (lecture notes)
Exotic branes in string and M-theory, Istanbul winter school, 2018, (lecture notes, review notes)
Geometry in physics and string compactifications, IMPRS Lecture days, 2017, AEI MPG, Potsdam, Germany
Clifford algebras and supersymmetry, Sirince school of Mathematical and Theoretical Physics, 2017, (lecture notes)
From 10D to 4D: string compactifications, Helmholz school "Cosmology, Strings and New Physics", Dubna, 2016 (lecture notes, notes)
Lie algebras and their representations, Sirince school of Mathematical and Theoretical Physics, 2016, (lecture notes)
2016-н.в. МФТИ
2015-2016 Институт Макса Планка, Потсдам
2014-2015 ВШЭ, матфак, постдок
2013-2014 Leibniz U., Ганновер, постдок
2010-2013 Queen Mary University of London, PhD
2007-2009 МФТИ, магистратура